Sunday, August 29, 2010

Free to a good home

As an avid coffee drinker (and as a somewhat recycler), I have a reusable coffee mug. I get excited when I go to Starbucks and get 10% off for using my stained and battered mug. And I get even more excited when they honor morning receipts in the afternoon for two dollars off any grande/ventib sized drink. To me, these little perks are like getting free coffee, or in most cases free non-fat raspberry lattes. I didn’t reward myself with Starbucks once this weekend but I did have a weekend filled with free gifts. Saturday morning, I received a FREE Coach purse…yes I said FREE! I have been in need of a new cute stylish purse and just like that I got one. My day continued on this free streak as I was eating at Muriales restaurant (my all time favorite). After I had ordered cheese sticks, garlic cheese bread, and manicotti (and what Muriales meal is complete without a salad), I was super happy and super full. I was enjoying great company and great conversations when our waiter came over and gave us the much awaited green mint chocolate but no bill. We asked him about our bill and he said your meal has been taken care of. Moments later, I learned that a good friend had bought my lunch and refused all of my attempts to pay her for it. I left Muriales happier about a random act of kindness than the meal I had just enjoyed. Feeling completely blessed by people who enriched my day by their friendship and their free gifts, I get a phone call. A friend invites me to get wings with her. I know you are thinking, wings? You have already eaten half of the menu at Muriales. But I go. And not only do I eat but I enjoy 8 Cajun garlic wings. After almost an hour of laughs, tears, and diet cokes our waiter brings the bill. And for the third time in less than 10 hours I get something for free. Amazed at the beauty of friendships and the delight in acts of kindness, I thank God for filling my day with free rewards. Driving home, I am overcome with a feeling inside my soul (it wasn’t the chicken wings or cheese sticks) it’s my soul trying to comprehend the value of Jesus, my Jesus, dying on the cross for my reward. He was beaten, mocked, betrayed, and crucified to pay my debt. Your debt. He endured on the cross because He saw what lied ahead. He saw our reward in heaven and endured so we could have eternal life. He paid the ultimate price for us. And the best part is Christ’s love is completely free as long as we believe in him. And through his love we can be set free. We can be changed by His grace and saved by His love. Through his suffering and death, we inherited so many free rewards. And trust me friends, his rewards continue to get better and better and never cease to leave me in awe of Him.

Saturday I was blessed by my favorite indulgences of all time at no cost to me but there isn’t another free gift comparable to the price Christ paid on the cross. NOTHING leaves me more fulfilled and happy than the freedom I can experience everyday in Christ and knowing that my ultimate reward awaits me in heaven. I know everyone likes free gifts so if you want the only meaningful free gift available to us, let Christ into your heart and watch as one free gift turns into endless free gifts.

Verse to remember: Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.

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