Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Permanently End Your Fear of Public Speaking

Yesterday afternoon, I was asked to give a speech explaining physical disabilities and the rehab process involved by different disciplines to a local high school. When the rehab coordinator at my assisted living facility asked me to do it; I agreed. And then when she told me it was this morning: I puked in my mouth. I had agreed to give a speech to 150 students with less than 24 hours to prepare. Instead of instantly panicking, (why panic? I didn’t know any students at the high school so when I made a blubbering idiot of myself I could walk away and pray I never saw any of them again) I did what any one in my situation would do: I asked for help. (You thought I was going to say, prepare a speech, don’t lie) Yesterday evening, I asked my pastor how he became so good at speaking in front of people. And not only did he let me in on some of his secrets (Give me time and I will figure out the orange juice carton magic trick) but he gave me a perfect illustration to begin my speech with. After practicing my “speech” during my entire 35 minute drive this morning; I entered the high school (one minute early) mentally prepared to stand in front of an entire student body and enlighten them with my impromptu speech on physical disabilities.
I only get nervous to speak in front of people when I haven’t had time to prepare (and by prepare I mean weeks of preparation) for my “speech”. I usually only remember half of what I practiced and talk to fast to remember what my previous statement was so my preparations usually only serve to prevent pure panic when the moment of speaking actually occurs. As I am slowly getting better with my fear of public speaking; I remember that my fear has to compete against a trio of God’s attributes. And not just one trio of God but two trio’s. (Ask me and my fear doesn’t stand a chance) The first trio is the trinity of God: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the second trio is the power, love, and self discipline that comes from God to replace my fear. Today, I wasn’t confident in sharing my message with half awake high school students because I felt like I needed more preparation but I can be confident in sharing God’s message of salvation with others on a daily basis. I can be confident because when I stand before others, I have the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit on my side. I can be confident because He offers me the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. I am confident because the love that God provides never fails. I am confident because my self-discipline in Christ has given me wisdom, proper reasoning and a peaceful mind.  I am confident because my fear is outnumbered 3 to 1 every time friends. When God asks you to speak on His behalf are you a coward or are you confident? Or maybe you have confidence in speaking on every subject except God. Don’t let fear prevent you from being unstoppable in Christ. Don’t let fear prevent you from sharing your speech regardless of how unprepared you feel.
Today, I took on small step in minimizing my fear to speak in front of others. And I took one giant step in allowing God’s power, love, and self-discipline transform me from a coward into a confident woman of God. My voice may still shake when I start talking and 200 pairs of eyes are staring at me but my faith won’t be shaken when I share the love and truth of my savior to hundreds or even thousands of others (I have a strong feeling it will be women) who desperately need to hear my speech. My speech that will never be practiced for weeks because the voice of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, (The trio) out speak me (the one) every time friends.
Verse to remember: 2 timothy 1:6-7 6 For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.  7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.

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