This morning I saw the first signs of fall in the form of condensation on my car windshield. Of course, I knew fall was approaching because I have been in football mode for the past ten days. (Is it unnecessarily cruel to tell y’all that I have a WVU sideline pass for opening day?) I looked down at my flip flop wearing feet and embraced the comfort of my favorite J Crew zip up jacket as I soaked up the last little bit of summer. Once in my car, I turned on my windshield wipers (and turned up my radio) to remove the perfect sheet of condensation that has formed overnight. As I started driving, the condensation came back. And twenty seconds later it was back again. It wasn’t until I had tried every different windshield wiper speed and every different thermostat setting that I realized the source of the condensation. The water was forming as a result of the top quality windshield washer fluid I had sprayed moments earlier. I’m a slowly transitioning adult (three weeks later I still feel cheated when my alarm goes off at 6:30) who has an extensive student loan repayment so I only choose top quality when it comes to toilet paper, ice cream, and hair flat irons. Because I have an uncle who spoils his favorite 27 year old niece; I have six dollar windshield washer fluid in my car. I love his heart and generosity (he definitely inherited all of my pap’s greatest qualities) but I didn’t love the tiny water bubbles all over my windshield at nine o’clock this morning. The high quality insect repellant that was added to the washer fluid combined with the cool morning temperatures made my windshield resemble a piece of plastic wrap covered in Crisco. Luckily, I was able to adjust my dashboard temperature and fix the problem before I got on the interstate because it would have been quite difficult driving with a Crisco covered windshield at 75 miles per hour.
If I truly had Crisco on my windshield; I would have marched my little behind right back inside and been the first person ever to use the “I have lard on my windshield excuse” to her boss. (Have I mentioned that I really miss my days of sleeping in and enjoying coffee until noon in my Pajamas?) And if my vision was truly dangerously impaired; I would have pulled over and waited for my windshield to be crystal clear. (Since I am now an adult I am trying to make better decisions) I didn’t even consider delaying my morning commute because I knew I would be able to adapt to my condensation dilemma. But when Satan throws obstacles at us with the sole purpose of dangerously impairing our relationship with God; His motive is always to delay us. The enemy preys on us and relentlessly throws obstacles and trials into our lives at the exact moment God is waiting to reward us for obediently following Him. Satan doesn’t attack us when we aren’t a threat to God’s kingdom but he most definitely attacks us when God is preparing to use us in mighty ways. He attacks us so we regress in our faith. He attacks us so we march our little behinds back inside and use the “Lord, this is much too difficult to bear excuse” to God . He attacks us because he can use even the tiniest delay in our obedience to cause great havoc in our lives. The enemy is sly friends. He doesn’t come at us with frugal attempts. He brings the high quality juice every time. He pours his top dollar deceitful ways into our hearts and minds and every time we squeeze some of it out; He blinds us. He causes us to see God through Crisco covered eyes which ultimately delays in work in and through us. The only way we can adjust to the enemy’s high quality attacks is to take a permanent stand against him. But we can’t stand alone friends. We must grab a hold of God and refuse to let go even when everything in our lives is anything but crystal clear. We must fervently serve Him and faithfully trust Him every day. God doesn’t have a favorite 27 year old child that He likes to spoil but He does give me top quality every time I call upon Him. His top quality always trumps Satan top quality friends. Are you allowing Satan to delay what God desperately wants to bestow upon you? Or maybe you are adapting to the lies and deceitful ways of Satan during your current dilemma. If you adapt to his schemes; you will never experience the fullness of the abundant life God has for you. If you accept his schemes; you will never fulfill the fullness of the obedience we are called to have as followers of Jesus Christ. God is waiting to share His heart and His generosity. Let Him friends because the little water bubbles that will fill your life are drops of blessings falling from heaven.
Verse to remember: Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 4 When you make a vow to God, do not delay to fulfill it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. 5 It is better not to make a vow than to make one and not fulfill it.
Hebrews 10: 36-38 36 You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. 37 For, “In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.” 38 And, But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.”