Saturday, November 27, 2010

Clean up aisle 7

Yesterday, I took black Friday shopping to an entirely new level. My sister wanted a TV for Christmas and we all know that the TV industry picks one day out of the entire year to sell televisions at an extremely low price…Black Friday. So my sister and I ventured out to Walmart at midnight. A Walmart in a city we had never been to before.  Once arriving at an already packed Walmart, we headed to the electronics department where a man gave us a map of the locations for the “hot items”. We needed to go to section A. At section A, we were given a ticket for the TV and told to go to the end of the aisle and wait. Wait until 5:00 AM when the TV went on sale. We were guaranteed the TV as long as we didn’t leave the aisle in the shoe department. Knowing that I was going to be there for 5 hours, I went to get caffeine conveniently located in aisle 17. After I stocked up on caffeine, I rejoined my sister prepared to endure the conditions of the night awaiting me. I was prepared to become miserably tired, grouchy at the crowd, and bored with the long wait. But what I was forgetting was the fact that my normal black Friday waits find me outside waiting in line opposed to sitting in a Walmart. My sister and I made friends with our neighbors (who gave us directions to Target and Khols which we hit up after Walmart), got chairs from the camping department to sit in while we waited, read every gossip magazine available in the checkout line (without buying a single one), were given free candy, and yes friends we even bought snacks and had a picnic in the middle of the boot aisle. I still had to endure a 5 hour wait with no sleep but my wait was made more enjoyable by the convenience of sitting in a store that has every necessity you could possibly need for not only a long night but for everyday living.
I was determined to leave New Jersey with my sister’s TV before I knew the luxurious conditions that awaited me for my midnight adventure. (There was nothing luxurious about carrying a 32’ TV through hundreds of people to get to the checkout line) I was prepared to tackle the crowds of rude people, the long lines, and the fatigue for my sister. As I was successfully loading the TV into my dad’s car, my sister said, “I can’t believe we actually got it!” I don’t think she doubted me (she has seen GI Jay in action before) but instead was excited to have a new TV for her room. I have used a similar phrase, whether in excitement or doubt, when I have endured a situation in my life. But I can admit that my determination to withstand the conditions set before me weren’t as strong as my determination to leave NJ with a TV. What makes our determination diminish when we are faced with a lifelong situation requiring endurance? Or when we are faced with a situation far worse than a 5 hour wait in the middle of the night? I believe our determination diminishes when we try to face the battle/situation on our own opposed to on our knees.  When we allow our strength, our will, our desires to come before God’s strength, will, and plan; we are in trouble friends. God has equipped us for battle. He has given us all we need to endure whatever Satan throws at us. He has provided us with luxurious accommodations fitted specifically for our needs in each and every situation. What situations of your life are you putting before the accommodations from God?  Are you on your knees or are your arms tired from swinging punches with no success?  When you go to battle alone, your determination won’t last and your arms won’t be the only thing that gets tired. How awesome is it to know that when we hit our knees; we don’t have to endure alone. Yes, there will be times when we will feel like we can’t endure another second but just when we are about to stand up; God will come in and see us through the darkest night. We never face battles alone friend. God is always watching over us and He is always faithful. Sometimes we have to endure unimaginable circumstances and situations but He is always watching over us. Our struggle, our situation, our suffering, and our pain can’t even begin to compare to the glory that God will reveal to us and in us.
After yesterday, all of my long waits on black Friday will take place in Walmart because I know that I can endure any wait with the accommodations available within the walls of the store. Today, I will continue to endure all of my battles on my knees because I know that when I cling to the cross; His accommodations are all I need. His mercy will rescue me, His grace will restore me, and His love will set me free.
Verse to remember:  2 Timothy 2:3 Endure hardship with us like a good solider of Christ Jesus.

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