Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sharing Good Habits

Saturday evening I left WV and headed to Houston to spend 2 weeks with my sister and brother-in-law and most importantly my soon to be born nephew. As I boarded my plane, I knew it would be the first flight of my entire life in which I did not sleep while in the air. (I usually fall asleep during the seat belt/oxygen mask instructions) Excitement was the main reason my brain stayed awake but the screaming child in front of me who also enjoyed pulling my hair when I leaned forward in my seat was a close second. I was excited to see my sister’s belly bump. I was excited to finally see their new house. I was excited for fantabulous sushi. I was excited to play maid, cook, and sister all at the same time. And I was mostly excited to meet my nephew (and smell his head and kiss his feet). I have been here for two and a half days and Hudson Ross Gum still hasn’t made his entrance into the world so my excitement continues to grow. Because he is waiting to make his grand entrance; I have had two days to sleep in, drink pots of coffee, and most importantly take care of my sister and brother-in-law. Since they are both working until the delivery, I want to do everything I can for them while they are at work. Last night my sister told me she didn’t want me to spend 2 weeks making beds and folding laundry but I can’t help it. I can’t help it because over the past 6 months I have developed many new cleaning habits and taken my desire to invest in the lives of others to a higher level because of the woman who is my own personal maid, cook, and momma all at the same time.
This morning my cleaning habits included making two beds, doing three loads of laundry, wiping (not mopping) the kitchen floor, washing dishes, and taking out the trash. (For the record, never again will I complain about making my bed after making a King size memory foam bed.) After this morning, I accepted the fact that my old ways had been changed as I habitually cleaned and organized the entire Gum house.(I have a blue cup in Houston that I leave beside the kitchen sink where it belongs...some habits aren't meant to be broken) I’m thankful that I am able to share my cleaning habits with my family as we all wait anxiously for my nephew to arrive but I am more thankful that I have 2 weeks to share my habits in Christ. Just as I changed my ways of leaving my bed unmade for weeks at a time and changed my ways of washing my whites separately; I changed my ways in Christ. I no longer go weeks without Him; I talk to Him as soon as I wake up in the morning (having coffee with Jesus is my all time favorite). I no longer separate Him from parts of my life I wish to control; I give Him every aspect of my life. I no longer wait until every area of my life needs cleaned up to turn to God; I invite Him in to clean me up as much as He wants everyday. My cleaning habits didn’t develop overnight and neither did my habits in Christ but both habits continue to improve when I dedicate time specifically to improving my habits. I can’t share any of my habits if I lack the skill necessary to complete the task. The only way to lack the skill necessary to share habits in Christ is to remove Him from our lives friends. We can’t share Him if other’s don’t see Him in us. We can’t share Him if we only live for Him when no one else is watching. My habits in Christ remain constant no matter where I go. I don’t change my faith, my mindset, my behaviors, or my actions that are grounded in Christ. In fact, I go back to my favorite habit: prayer. I ask Him to reveal Himself through me to everyone I cross paths with on a daily basis. I ask Him to give me the strength to stand strong when I am attacked or even betrayed by those who don’t understand or appreciate my relationship with Him. I ask Him to forgive me when I fail to represent Him. I ask Him to give me the opportunity to share my habits with others, leading the way to share His salvation. How can you share the positive habits in your life today? How can you make a difference in the lives of those you love? How can you share Jesus? We all have gifts to share and we all have daily opportunities to make a difference in someone else’s life. And we are all called to bear fruit for Jesus. Will you share the habits of your heart today? Will you give Jesus the required time each day to make your own habits in Him habitual? I promise you friends, once you trade your life in for the life He has for you; you won’t view your habits in Christ negatively and you won’t mind making two beds each morning either.

Verse to remember:  Hebrews 10: 24-27 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
 26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.

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