For most of my life, I have possessed a strong dislike for eggs in any form with hard boiled eggs being the absolute worst. I didn’t like the texture, the smell, the taste, or the thought of how an egg actually makes its debut into the world. My aversion to eggs began when I was a child. One night, I became super sick and as a result spent my entire night throwing up in the bathroom. (I have never been a fan of burying my head in a trash can) At some point during the day before my horrific night of vomiting, I had eaten eggs and I vowed never to eat one again. And for 14 years, I didn’t. I picked eggs out of my salads. I avoided the deviled egg containers at every holiday dinner. And when my dad would make omelets for breakfast; I would eat cereal. After my senior prom, I even fed eggs to my date’s dog because I didn’t have the heart to tell his mom I didn’t like them. (No, I didn’t sleep over at my prom date’s house; His mom made breakfast for all of us the next day.) My anti-egg campaign was going strong until a few weeks ago when I woke up to the smell of scrambled eggs. And for the first time since I could remember; I enjoyed the smell. The pleasant aroma led me to make eggs for myself the next morning which brought my grand total of made eggs in my lifetime to three. My egg eating didn’t stop there. In fact, I have been craving scrambled eggs with ketchup (keep your comments to yourself until you try it) everyday for the past 10 days. And not just a small craving but an I want eggs for breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner craving. My cravings have led me to eat an entire dozen of eggs in a week. Tonight, I had a date night with my grandma and when I order scrambled eggs and pancakes for dinner; her eyes widened and she was speechless for a split second. (My grandma is almost never speechless) And I was left explaining my new addiction scrambled eggs to my grandma.
I had eggs twice in one day for the second time this week. (Tuesday I had eggs for breakfast and lunch.) And for the first time since my egg addiction began; I realized that I could quite possibly make up for all of the missed years of eating eggs if I kept up my current eating habits. I don’t know where my newfound love for eggs came from and I don’t know how long it will last but I know that for now; I can’t get enough of them and wonder why I ever cut them out of my diet in the first place. Eggs aren’t the only thing I have had an aversion to over the years. For most of my adolescent years, I had an aversion to Jesus. One night, I became super sick of the pain of this world and I vowed never to let the pain inside of my heart overtake me again. In order to mask my pain; I did everything I could to ignore my pain because as soon as I accepted it; the pain became real again. Ignoring the pain also meant ignoring Jesus. So for years, I vowed to ignore every one of His attempts to heal my brokenness. I picked apart His mercy and His grace. I avoided any relationship that was grounded in His love and truths. And when my Heavenly Father would make me a haven from this world inside His arms; I would choose a haven in the form of drugs and denial. My independent, rebellious, me against the world attitude lasted 2 years and then one morning I smelled the aroma of Christ. And once I smelled Him; I couldn’t get enough. The only problem is, I couldn’t get back everything I had lost during my years of rebellion. Fortunately, God loves us so much that he restores us to completion and removes our past completely from our lives but we can’t go back and receive the blessings He had for us while we walked away from Him. When we choose to have an aversion to Christ; we also choose to have an aversion to His abundant blessings. And no matter how much we try to make up for missed years of living for Him we can’t. God most definitely has new blessings for us and He most definitely doesn’t skimp on us simply because we have unopened boxes of blessings. In fact, it breaks His heart that one of His children suffered when He had the perfect gift to satisfy their soul. God doesn’t exist so we can fill up on as much of Him as we can stand and then set out on a 2 year sabbatical without Him. He exists so we can fill up on Him every morning. So we can refresh our spirits and renew our minds daily. We can’t enjoy the benefits of our relationship with God and we can’t experience His blessings if we are constantly asking ourselves how long our addiction will last. Loving God is more than a short term addiction friends. It is a lifelong commitment. It is a commitment that will require sacrifices, struggles, and defeats. But it will also reap His abundant, overflowing, mind-blowing blessings. Are you committed to a lifelong addiction to Jesus? Or do you try to get your fix all at once and hope it sustains you during your own 2 year sabbatical? I enjoy Jesus every morning, everyday, and every night and when I shut my eyes at night I still haven’t had enough. I have missed out on God too many times by creating some form of my own anti-addiction campaigns but His sweet aroma that I smell every morning when I set my heart towards Him alone; reminds me of His eternal blessings. And His eternal blessings are my rewards for enduring a daily relationship with opposed to a quick fix of His abundance.
Despite the inconsistency in my sleep schedule and my tender tummy beginning to feel the effects of my board exam; I still wake up each morning craving coffee and scrambled eggs with ketchup. And despite the inconsistencies of my life and my tender tummy beginning to feel the effects of Satan; I still wake up each morning craving Jesus because I know he is the only thing in my life I don’t want to ever vow against.
Verse to remember: Genesis 49:25-26
25 because of your father’s God, who helps you,
because of the Almighty,who blesses you
with blessings of the skies above,
blessings of the deep springs below,
blessings of the breast and womb.
26 Your father’s blessings are greater
than the blessings of the ancient mountains,
than the bounty of the age-old hills.
because of the Almighty,who blesses you
with blessings of the skies above,
blessings of the deep springs below,
blessings of the breast and womb.
26 Your father’s blessings are greater
than the blessings of the ancient mountains,
than the bounty of the age-old hills.
Let all these rest on the head of Joseph,
on the brow of the prince among his brothers.
on the brow of the prince among his brothers.
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