Monday, October 11, 2010

Improving depth perception

My closest friends and most of my family know that I drive too fast. And for the record, I know that I drive too fast as well. I have tried to set my cruise control when I am on the interstate but my foot always finds its way back to the gas pedal. After I pass other cars, I never return to the speed limit I set for myself. As a result of my somewhat fast driving, I often underestimate the times it takes me to get from one place to another. I was reminded of this yesterday when I was driving on the interstate (going a tad over the speed limit) and I saw a sign for roadwork ahead. I continued driving at the same speed because although there was a sign to slow down, there was no road work. I passed 3 signs for roadwork (I should say warning signs to slow down) before I actually came to the road work which was accompanied by a WV state trooper. No! I didn’t get pulled over, my Honda has excellent brakes and I have excellent favor from God, but there were state troopers all over the medians waiting to deliver that infamous yellow ticket to drivers failing to obey the 55mph speed limit. I was forced to slow down which added extra travel time to my journey, allowing me just enough time to get to my destination.
I don’t always encounter road work when I am traveling but I do encounter those who drive slower than I do on most occasions. (Most like to say they obey the speed limit; I like to say drive too slow) I may be a fast driver but at times I am slow to grasp the depth of God’s greatness. I have been guilty of seeing a trial, a sickness, an unsaved loved one or a broken heart and before seeing God’s greatness, I saw the problem. Today, as I was trying to grasp how truly awesome our God is, I wasn’t drawn to all of the miracles he has performed in my life, I wasn’t drawn to all of the trials he has lead me through, and I wasn’t drawn to all of the blessings he has given me. I was drawn to one thing: my life. I saw an unworthy scumbag covered with sin and shame and as tears filled my eyes, I saw the depth of God’s greatness.  His greatness is the only reason I am alive. His greatness forgives me, loves me, restores, me, and gives me grace and mercy when I don’t deserve any of it. His greatness is available to all of us. He loves me, loves you, not because of who we are but in spite of who we are.  
When you are faced with a grim situation and don’t think it’s possible for God’s greatness to be enough, don’t look at the problem but instead examine your life.  Pick the most unworthy moment of your life and close your eyes. Envision the pain, the sin, and the shame of that moment and know that as Christ withstood the cross; it was our sin that held him there. The depth of that love and of that greatness is beyond measure. 
In order for me to slow down while I am driving, I may require a few speeding tickets to grasp the consequences involved.  When I am slow to grasp the depths of God’s greatness, I don’t need a miracle to serve as my reminder because this unworthy servant is reminded every day that the reason I am alive is simply because of God’s greatness.

Verse to remember:  Psalm 145:3 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.

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