Friday, October 8, 2010

My story has a happy ending

Tonight was one of the best nights of my entire life. I attended the Tenth Avenue North’s, “When the Light Meets the Dark” tour and was blown away by the music and the worship.  Along with Tenth Avenue North were Matt Maher and Addison Road. Now would be the appropriate time to tell you that Addison Road is my second favorite band ever (Dave Matthews still holds first place) and I have been looking forward to finally seeing them in concert for months. The lyrics of their songs are like arrows straight to my heart and each time I hear them, I fall more and more in love with this band! Tonight as they took the stage and began singing, I began to fall in love with the lyrics, rhythm, and energy in each note played and each word sang. It took approximately 3 seconds for me to stop falling in love with the music and to fall more in love with my God. As I listened to the music and the testimonies of these bands the words were faint because the voice of God was all I could hear. Throughout the entire concert, as I entered into the presence of God and into the spirit of worship I kept hearing from God. Right now, I wish I could be plugged into a machine that hooks wires to my brain and translates everything inside of it into words so I am guaranteed to share with you everything inside my brain. ..Guaranteed to share with you the voice of God.
 Since there is no way for me to plug my brain up to my keypad, I am going to try my best to accurately describe what is inside my brain and inside my heart.  When I had my vacation with the Lord, the lyrics of Addison Road’s songs spoke volumes to the current mess I had made for myself and brought me to tears because there was life in the songs they sang. As I stood rows away from their lead singer, I was again brought to tears but this time it was because I heard God saying to me, “finally Jay stay broken and surrender control so that I can show you a better life.” For so long, I tried controlling my own life and didn’t allow any room for God’s control.  We all hit rock bottom at times and we all turn our lives upside down and we all face the darkness of this world. But no matter where we are at in our lives or how big of a mess we created for ourselves, God is there to give us life. We all have a story composed of many chapters, subtitles, and side notes and every piece of OUR story leads to God’s story.  If you hear God’s voice today, listen. Allow him to speak to the depths of your heart and allow him to take control of your life. Don’t see yourself or your life as broken but instead realize that you are under construction and that God is changing you for who He wants you to be to complete His story.
I am thankful that God isn’t through with me yet and I am content being in a constant state of construction because I know that somehow my story is part of God’s plan. Tonight Tenth Avenue North played Country Roads as a tribute to every West Virginian attending the concert. When they sang the words, county roads take me home to the place I belong. I smiled and knew that wherever my story takes me, WV will always be my home and God will always be to whom I belong.
Verse to remember: Ephesians 1:11 In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will.

1 comment:

  1. We instinctively know the different between good and best when we read a book, or when we watch a movie. The best movies have the awhhh wow factor that blows our minds even when we come expecting to have our minds blown. Communicating in the written word is extremely challenging yet this writing doesn't just show an image of what was experienced it allows the person reading it to become part of what was written. Thankyou Jay for reminding us once again that all of our lives are in a constant state of construction, and that when we try to drive all we reap is destruction.
