Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Over the mountains and through the woods to grandmothers house I go

Every weekend I go home to visit my grandmother. And even though my weekly visits consist of my grandmother’s to-do list; I look forward to seeing her each week. I wasn’t able to go home this weekend because I had to play the role of PT student (I always play the role but this weekend I attempted to be a good PT student) and fulfill research responsibilities and study for an exam. Not only did I not see her this weekend but I didn’t talk to her once yesterday. This almost never happens. I tried calling her this morning after my epic fail on my exam (I obviously wasn’t successful at being a PT student this weekend) and I got her voicemail for the third consecutive time in 2 days. Part of me was scared that something was wrong but most of me just missed talking to my grandma. Well, listening to her because I usually can’t get a word in! When she finally called me back an hour later, still half asleep from her midmorning nap, the extent of my homesickness set in. And it was made worse by the fact that she made a coconut cream pie yesterday.  After talking to her for awhile, I told her that I was going to come see her this week because I missed her. In typical fashion, she said: “miss me; you were just here last week!”
My grandma was right, I was just there but that didn’t make me any less homesick.  I wasn’t homesick for the comforts that a house brings because I have a cozy nook myself; I was homesick for what my home represents. For the excitement in my grandma’s face when I walk in, for our priceless conversations, for our late night Lifetime movies, and even for the smell of Misty lights and Liz Claiborne perfume. To me, my grandma’s house, my home, represents security, love, support, and happiness. Even when I am not at “home” I am still surrounded and reminded of these blessings everyday but that doesn’t stop me from occasionally missing my spot on Meadow Ave. How many times, in your life have you also experienced the physical comforts of your own house but felt heartsick for home? Maybe when you lie in bed at night you don’t feel at home at all but instead feel profoundly lost. To others you may have the perfect family, a dream job, and stunning features but inside you feel completely empty and lost. Despite everything you do, you still can’t find peace in your “home” on Earth. Whenever your heart longs for security, peace, rest, and happiness remember that God had promised to bring you safely home one day. We weren’t created to be satisfied and completely fulfilled while on Earth because this Earth isn’t our home at all. We may never experience what it is like to find true comfort while in an earthly sense but perhaps that’s what God intended so we will always be homesick for His kingdom.  When I feel lost, defeated, and isolated I don’t find myself throwing in the towel; I find myself homesick for Heaven. For the room that has been prepared for me and for the rewards that await me.  As long as we live for Him, the emptiness and solitude that we experience while on Earth can be lessened by His comfort and be endured by His promise to one day share His home with us.  I will endure my time on this Earth and when I miss my grandma’s laugh and homemade pies I will make the journey to her home and when I feel lost and alone I will continue on my journey towards my Father’s home.

Verse to remember:  John 14:2-3 2 In my Father’s house there are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

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